Cette page présente les publications de type revue, conférence, Thèse, Mémoire de Master et rapport technique réalisées durant le projet NaviDoMass.
Coustaty, Mickaël; Guillas, Stéphanie; Visani, Muriel; Bertet, Karell and Ogier, Jean-Marc. "On the joint use of a Structural Signature and a Galois Lattice Classifier for Symbol Recognition". Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and New Opportunities: 7th International Workshop, GREC 2007, Curitiba, Brazil, September 20-21, 2007, Selected Papers, Springer-Verlag, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados, Jean-Marc Ogier, LNCS - Volume 5046 : p. 61-70. January 2008.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Dubois, Sloven; Ogier, Jean-Marc and Menard, Michel. "Information Extraction from Old Images of Documents for Indexing". Proceedings of Eighth International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados : p. 303-307. La Rochelle France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Sidère, N.; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Héroux, Pierre; Ramel, Jean-Yves; Hassan, Chouaib; Vincent, Nicole; Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Content-Based Old Documents Indexing". Proceedings of Eighth International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados : p. 217-223. La Rochelle France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Pareti, Rudolf and Vincent, Nicole. "Drop Caps Decomposition For Indexing - A New Letter Extraction Method". 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Josep Lladós : p. 476-480. Barcelona Espagne. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Pareti, Rudolf and Vincent, Nicole. "Extraction d'informations d'images de documents anciens". Actes du Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur - 2009 : p. .... Tregastel France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Giap, Nguyen; Courboulay, Vincent and Ogier, Jean-Marc. "Approche complexe de l'analyse de documents anciens". Extraction et gestion des connaissances - EGC'2010 Extraction et gestion des connaissances, Cépaduès, Sadok Ben Yahia et Jean-Marc Petit : p. 597-608. Hammamet Tunisie. January 2010.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Applications des graphes en traitement d'images". International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer Science - ROGICS'08, Y. Boudabbous and N. Zaguia : p. 434-442. University of Ottawa, Canada and University of Sfax, Tunisia, Mahdia Tunisia. May 2008.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Graph Matching Based on Node Signatures". 7th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition - GbRPR 2009, Springer, A. Torsello, F. Escolano, and L. Brun, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5534 : p. 154-163. IAPR-TC-15, Venise Italy. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim; Tabbone, Salvatore and Valveny, Ernest. "Evaluation of Graph Matching Measures for Documents Retrieval". 8th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados. La Rochelle France. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "A hypergraph-based model for graph clustering: application to image indexing". The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Springer, Xiaoyi Jiang and Nicolai Petkov, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5702 : p. 360-368. Munster Allemagne. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Attributed Graph Matching using Local Descriptions". Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems - Acivs 2009, Springer, J. Blanc-Talon, D. Popescu, W. Philips and P. Scheunders, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Bordeaux France. May 2009.
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Journet, N.; Ramel, J.-Y. and Cureau, C.. "Vers une plate-forme d'indexation interactive de documents". Dixième Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document, Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite, Antoine Tabbone et Thierry Paquet : p. 197-198. France. May 2008.
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Journet, N.; Ramel, J.-Y.; Mullot, R. and Eglin V.. "Document Image Characterization Using a Multiresolution Analysis of the Texture: Application to Old Documents". IJDAR, Vol. 11(1) : p. 9-18. October 2008. ISSN: 1433-2833.
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Ramel, Jean-Yves; Demonet Sébastien and Busson, Marie-Luce. "User-driven Page Layout Analysis of historical printed Books". International Journal On Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol. 9(2-4) : p. 243-261. January 2007.
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Sidère, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Représentation vectorielle pour l'indexation d'informations structurelles". Dixième Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document, Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite, Antoine Tabbone et Thierry Paquet : p. 19-24. France. May 2008.
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Sidere, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "A Vectorial Representation for the Indexation of Structural Informations". SSPR/SPR : p. 45-54. États-Unis d'Amérique. May 2008.
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Sidère, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Embedding labeled graphs into occurence matrix". 8th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009. May 2009.
Sidere, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Vector Representation of Graphs: Application to the Classification of Symbols and Letters". ICDAR : p. 681-685. Espagne. May 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Guillas, Stéphanie; Visani, Muriel; Bertet, Karell and Ogier, Jean-Marc. "On the joint use of a Structural Signature and a Galois Lattice Classifier for Symbol Recognition". Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and New Opportunities: 7th International Workshop, GREC 2007, Curitiba, Brazil, September 20-21, 2007, Selected Papers, Springer-Verlag, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados, Jean-Marc Ogier, LNCS - Volume 5046 : p. 61-70. January 2008.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Dubois, Sloven; Ogier, Jean-Marc and Menard, Michel. "Information Extraction from Old Images of Documents for Indexing". Proceedings of Eighth International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados : p. 303-307. La Rochelle France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Sidère, N.; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Héroux, Pierre; Ramel, Jean-Yves; Hassan, Chouaib; Vincent, Nicole; Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Content-Based Old Documents Indexing". Proceedings of Eighth International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados : p. 217-223. La Rochelle France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Pareti, Rudolf and Vincent, Nicole. "Drop Caps Decomposition For Indexing - A New Letter Extraction Method". 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Josep Lladós : p. 476-480. Barcelona Espagne. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Ogier, Jean-Marc; Pareti, Rudolf and Vincent, Nicole. "Extraction d'informations d'images de documents anciens". Actes du Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur - 2009 : p. .... Tregastel France. January 2009.
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Coustaty, Mickaël; Giap, Nguyen; Courboulay, Vincent and Ogier, Jean-Marc. "Approche complexe de l'analyse de documents anciens". Extraction et gestion des connaissances - EGC'2010 Extraction et gestion des connaissances, Cépaduès, Sadok Ben Yahia et Jean-Marc Petit : p. 597-608. Hammamet Tunisie. January 2010.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Applications des graphes en traitement d'images". International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer Science - ROGICS'08, Y. Boudabbous and N. Zaguia : p. 434-442. University of Ottawa, Canada and University of Sfax, Tunisia, Mahdia Tunisia. May 2008.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Graph Matching Based on Node Signatures". 7th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition - GbRPR 2009, Springer, A. Torsello, F. Escolano, and L. Brun, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5534 : p. 154-163. IAPR-TC-15, Venise Italy. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim; Tabbone, Salvatore and Valveny, Ernest. "Evaluation of Graph Matching Measures for Documents Retrieval". 8th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009, Jean-Marc Ogier, Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados. La Rochelle France. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "A hypergraph-based model for graph clustering: application to image indexing". The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Springer, Xiaoyi Jiang and Nicolai Petkov, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5702 : p. 360-368. Munster Allemagne. May 2009.
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Jouili, Salim and Tabbone, Salvatore. "Attributed Graph Matching using Local Descriptions". Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems - Acivs 2009, Springer, J. Blanc-Talon, D. Popescu, W. Philips and P. Scheunders, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Bordeaux France. May 2009.
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Journet, N.; Ramel, J.-Y. and Cureau, C.. "Vers une plate-forme d'indexation interactive de documents". Dixième Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document, Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite, Antoine Tabbone et Thierry Paquet : p. 197-198. France. May 2008.
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Journet, N.; Ramel, J.-Y.; Mullot, R. and Eglin V.. "Document Image Characterization Using a Multiresolution Analysis of the Texture: Application to Old Documents". IJDAR, Vol. 11(1) : p. 9-18. October 2008. ISSN: 1433-2833.
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Ramel, Jean-Yves; Demonet Sébastien and Busson, Marie-Luce. "User-driven Page Layout Analysis of historical printed Books". International Journal On Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol. 9(2-4) : p. 243-261. January 2007.
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Sidère, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Représentation vectorielle pour l'indexation d'informations structurelles". Dixième Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document, Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite, Antoine Tabbone et Thierry Paquet : p. 19-24. France. May 2008.
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Sidere, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "A Vectorial Representation for the Indexation of Structural Informations". SSPR/SPR : p. 45-54. États-Unis d'Amérique. May 2008.
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Sidère, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Embedding labeled graphs into occurence matrix". 8th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009. May 2009.
Sidere, Nicolas; Héroux, Pierre and Ramel, Jean-Yves. "Vector Representation of Graphs: Application to the Classification of Symbols and Letters". ICDAR : p. 681-685. Espagne. May 2009.
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